I’ve been thinking about subject headings a lot lately (as one does), and it inspired me to return to some work that I had started doing while I was at TDL, thinking about subject heading uniqueness in DPLA. One of the things that I’ve noticed in my own metadata work, and that was confirmed for […]
Tag: metadata
I made a twitter bot!
‘People taking a gondola ride along the Coral Gables Waterway. Coral Gables, Florida’ “Recognizing the importance of having a luxury resort hotel in the city, George Merrick turned to John McEntee Bowman, President o…’https://t.co/27MqoSFJtU — SSDNbot☀🌴🐊 (@SSDNbot) June 16, 2018 I love twitter bots. There are some really cool ones doing interesting things with cultural […]
Export CONTENTdm Full Text field to .txt files
This week, we had a case at my library where we wanted to extract the full-text field for a few of our digital collections and save it as a separate text file for each image. Normally, we create text files for images by running OCR on them outside of CONTENTdm. But for a few collections, […]
#archivalfeelings: metadata, history, connection
Earlier this summer, I had an experience where a collection that I was creating metadata for had a really strong emotional impact on me. It felt really significant, and made me think about the ways that I relate to collections that I work with. I tweeted about the experience at the time, and I’ve collected […]
Controlling all the names with OpenRefine
I’m trying to get better at writing out the process for things that I do in my day-to-day metadata work. Mostly, I want to do this for my own personal use – to help me think through my processes more clearly, and to have something to refer back to the next time I want to […]
Exploring RDA with RIMMF
After reading about the Jane-athon that is happening at ALA Midwinter in a few months, I decided that I’d like to play around with RDA cataloging outside of the strictures of MARC. I had a quiet afternoon at my library a few weeks ago, so I figured it was a good time to download the […]